Script x.pyΒΆ

usage: [-h]

PFANT Launcher -- Graphical Interface for Spectral Synthesis

Single and multi modes.

Multi mode

Runs pfant for different abundances for each element, then run nulbad for each
pfant result for different FWHMs.

The configuration is read from a .py file.

The user must specify a list of FWHM values for nulbad convolutions, and
a dictionary containing element symbols and respective list containing n_abdif
differential abundances to be used for each element.

pfant will be run n_abdif times, each time adding to each element in ab the i-th
value in the vector for the corresponding element.

nulbad will run n_abdif*n_fwhms times, where n_fwhms is the number of different
FWHMs specified.

The result will be
- several spectra saved as  "<star name><pfant name or counter>.sp"
- several "spectra list" files saved as "cv_<FWHM>.spl". As the file indicates,
  each ".spl" file will have the names of the spectrum files for a specific FWHM.
  .spl files are subject to input for by E.Cantelli

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

This script belongs to package pyfant