usage: [-h] [--min [MIN]] [--max [MAX]] [--inflate [INFLATE]]
[--ge_current] [--no_clean]
fn_input [fn_output]
Tunes the "zinf" parameter for each atomic line in atomic lines file
The "zinf" parameter is a distance in angstrom from the centre of an atomic
line. It specifies the calculation range for the line:
[centre-zinf, centre+zinf].
This script runs pfant for each atomic line to determine the width of each
atomic line and thus zinf.
Note: if input files main.dat and abonds.dat are not present in current directory, will copy the
Sun data.
Note: if modeles.mod is not present in current directory, will run innewmarcs to generate this file.
Note: the precision in the zinf found depends on the calculation step ("pas")
specified in main.dat. A higher "pas" means lower precision and a tendency to
get higher zinf's. This is really not critical. pas=0.02 or pas=0.04 should do.
positional arguments:
fn_input input file name
fn_output output file name (default: <made-up filename>)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--min [MIN] minimum zinf. If zinf found for a particular line is
smaller than this value, this value will be used
instead (default: 0.1)
--max [MAX] maximum zinf. If zinf found for a particular line is
greater than this value, this value will be used
instead (default: 50.0)
--inflate [INFLATE] Multiplicative constant to apply a "safety margin".
Each zinf found will be multiplied by this value. For
example a value of INFLATE=1.1 means that all the
zinf's saved will be 10 percent larger than those
calculated (default: 1.1)
--ge_current "Greater or Equal to current": If this option is set,
the current zinf in the atomic lines file is used as a
lower boundary. (default: False)
--no_clean If set, will not remove the session directories.
(default: False)
This script belongs to package pyfant