Script nulbad.pyΒΆ

usage: [-h] [--fwhm [FWHM]] [-f [{xy,fits}]] fn_flux [fn_cv]

Convolve spectrum with Gaussian profile.

This is the Python version of "nulbad", the PFANT convolution-with-Gaussian
utility. This script ```` was created in order to support more input

On the other hand, it does not open file "main.dat" to get parameters as
Fortran ``nulbad`` does. The latter also has a re-sampling ability that
this one doesn't.

The resulting file, compared to Fortran ``nulbad``, is nearly alike (you may see
a difference around the 6th digit). This one has one more data point at each side.

Supported file formats

    Format                         Input?   Output?  Notes
    -----------------------------  -------  -------- ---------------------
    ``pfant`` output               YES      no
    XY (two-column "lambda-flux")  YES      YES      default output format
    FITS                           YES      YES


  1) Create file 'flux.norm.pynulbad.0.08': --fwhm 0.08 flux.norm

  2) Create file 'flux.norm.pynulbad.0.08.fits': --fwhm 0.08 -f fits flux.norm

positional arguments:
  fn_flux               input spectral filename
  fn_cv                 output file name (default: <fn_flux>.<fwhm>)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --fwhm [FWHM]         full width at half maximum (FWHM) of Gaussian curve
                        (default: 0.12)
  -f [{xy,fits}], --format [{xy,fits}]
                        Output format (default: xy)

This script belongs to package pyfant