Script create-grid.pyΒΆ

usage: [-h] [--pattern [PATTERN]] [-m [{opa,modtxt,modbin}]]

Merges several atmospheric models into a single file (_i.e._, the "grid")

"Collects" several files in current directory and creates a single file
containing atmospheric model grid.

Working modes (option "-m"):
 "opa" (default mode): looks for MARCS[1] ".mod" and ".opa" text file pairs and
                       creates a *big* binary file containing *all* model
                       information including opacities.
                       Output will be in ".moo" format.

 "modtxt": looks for MARCS ".mod" text files only. Resulting grid will not contain
           opacity information.
           Output will be in binary ".mod" format.

 "modbin": looks for binary-format ".mod" files. Resulting grid will not contain
           opacity information.
           Output will be in binary ".mod" format.



positional arguments:
  fn_output             output file name (default: "grid.moo" or "grid.mod",
                        depending on mode)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --pattern [PATTERN]   file name pattern (with wildcards) (default: *.mod)
  -m [{opa,modtxt,modbin}], --mode [{opa,modtxt,modbin}]
                        working mode (see description above) (default: opa)

This script belongs to package pyfant