Introduction ============ PyFANT is a Python interface to `PFANT `_, a stellar spectral synthesis code for Astronomy originally written in Fortran. PyFANT provides different ways to run spectral synthesis: command-line or graphical interface; single or batch mode. It also includes many additional tools to open, edit, visualize, convert and manipulate data files and spectra, and an API (application programming interfce) to create your own spectral synthesis applications in Python. This documentation addresses coding with the PyFANT API, and provides a reference to the scripts included in the ``pyfant`` package. For a tutorial on spectral synthesis using PFANT and PyFANT, please visit the PFANT project website: ``_. Acknowledgement --------------- The project started in 2015 at IAG-USP (Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences at University of São Paulo, Brazil). Funded by FAPESP - Research Support Foundation of the State of São Paulo, Brazil (2015-2017). Contact ------- For bugs reports, questions, suggestions, etc., please open an issue at the project site on GitHub: ``_.