Coding using the API ==================== This section contains a series of examples on how to use the PFANT Fortran executables from a Python script. These "bindings" to the Fortran binaries, together with the ability to load, manipulate and save PFANT data files allow for complex batch operations. Spectral synthesis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following code generates :numref:`figsyn0`. .. literalinclude:: ../examples/synthesis/ .. _figsyn0: .. figure:: figures/norm-convolved.png :align: center -- ``pfant`` (file "flux.norm") and ``nulbad`` outputs. Spectral synthesis - convolutions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following example convolves the synthetic spectrum (file "flux.norm") with Gaussian profiles of different FWHMs (:numref:`figsyn1`). .. literalinclude:: ../examples/synthesis/ .. _figsyn1: .. figure:: figures/many-convs.png :align: center -- single ``pfant`` output and several ``nulbad`` outputs. Spectral synthesis - Continuum ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following code generates :numref:`figcont`. .. literalinclude:: ../examples/synthesis/ .. _figcont: .. figure:: figures/continuum.png :align: center -- continuum. Spectral synthesis - Separate atomic species ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PFANT atomic lines files contains wavelength, log_gf and other tabulated information for several (element, ionization level) atomic species. The following code calculates isolated atomic spectra for a list of arbitrarily chosen atomic species (:numref:`figatoms`). .. literalinclude:: ../examples/synthesis/ .. _figatoms: .. figure:: figures/synthesis-atoms.png :align: center -- atomic lines synthesized separately for each species. Spectral synthesis - Separate molecules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following code generates :numref:`figmol0`, :numref:`figmol1`, and additional plots not shown here. .. literalinclude:: ../examples/synthesis/ .. _figmol0: .. figure:: figures/synthesis-molecules-0.png :align: center -- molecular lines synthesized separately for each species .. _figmol1: .. figure:: figures/synthesis-molecules-1.png :align: center -- molecular lines synthesized separately for each species. Gaussian profiles as ``nulbad`` outputs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``nulbad`` is one of the Fortran executables of the PFANT package. It is the one that convolves the synthetic spectrum calculated by ``pfant`` with a Gaussian profile specified by a "fwhm" parameter (:numref:`figsyn5`). .. literalinclude:: ../examples/synthesis/ .. _figsyn5: .. figure:: figures/gaussian-profiles.png :align: center -- Gaussian profiles illustrated for different FWHMs. Plot hydrogen profiles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following code generates :numref:`figsyn6`. .. literalinclude:: ../examples/plot-hydrogen-profiles/ .. _figsyn6: .. figure:: figures/hydrogen-profiles.png :align: center -- hydrogen lines profiles as calculated by ``hydro2``. Import Kurucz' molecular linelist file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: ../../docs/examples/filetypes/ This code should print the following: .. code-block:: none KuruczMolLine(lambda_=2877.558, loggf=-14.533, J2l=23.0, E2l=2354.082, Jl=24.0, El=37095.578, atomn0=6, atomn1=6, state2l='a', v2l=0, lambda_doubling2l='e', spin2l=1, statel='d', vl=10, lambda_doublingl='e', spinl=3, iso=12)