Script plot-spectra.pyΒΆ

usage: [-h] [--ovl | --pieces | --pages] [--aint [AINT]]
                       [--fn_output [FN_OUTPUT]] [--ymin [YMIN]]
                       [-r [NUM_ROWS]]
                       fn [fn ...]

Plots spectra on screen or creates PDF file

It can work in four different modes:

a) grid of sub-plots, one for each spectrum (default mode)
   Example: flux.norm.nulbad measured.fits

b) single plot with all spectra overlapped ("--ovl" option)
   > --ovl flux.norm.nulbad measured.fits

c) PDF file with a small wavelength interval per page ("--pieces" option).
   This is useful to flick through a large wavelength range.
   > --pieces --aint 7 flux.norm.nulbad measured.fits

d) PDF file with one spectrum per page ("--pages" option).
   > --pages flux.*

Types of files supported:

  - pfant output, e.g., flux.norm;
  - nulbad output, e.g., flux.norm.nulbad;
  - 2-column "lambda-flux" generic text files;
  - FITS files.

positional arguments:
  fn                    name of spectrum file(s) (many types supported)
                        (wildcards allowed, e.g., "flux.*")

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --ovl                 Overlapped graphics (default: False)
  --pieces              If set, will generate a PDF file with each page
                        containing one "piece" of the spectra of lengthgiven
                        by the --aint option. (default: False)
  --pages               If set, will generate a PDF file with one spectrum per
                        page (default: False)
  --aint [AINT]         length of each piece-plot in wavelength units (used
                        only if --pieces) (default: 10)
  --fn_output [FN_OUTPUT]
                        PDF output file name (used only if --pieces) (default:
  --ymin [YMIN]         Minimum value for y-axis (default: (automatic))
  -r [NUM_ROWS], --num_rows [NUM_ROWS]
                        Number of rows in subplot grid (default: (automatic))

This script belongs to package f311