F311 -- collaborative model for Python programmers in Astronomy =============================================================== Welcome! Most of the programming work in science is arguably related to loading, saving, visualizing, and manipulating data files somehow. For some, it would be nice a common interface to handle these several data file types. Project F311 provides a common ground to create new Python packages (herein called *collaborator packages*) containing new file handling and visualization routines, allowing these file types to be accessed through the ``explorer.py`` (:numref:`figexplorer`) application in a plugin-like fashion. In addition, F311 provide a ``programs.py`` scripts that work as an index to all scripts included in all collaborator packages. By the end of 2017, the following projects were listed as *collaborators*: - ariastro (https://github.com/aricorte/ariastro) - PyFANT (source: https://github.com/trevisanj/pyfant; docs: https://trevisanj.github.io/pyfant) - AOSSS (source: https://github.com/trevisanj/aosss; docs: https://trevisanj.github.io/aosss) - F311 itself (source: https://github.com/trevisanj/F311; docs: https://trevisanj.github.io/f311) Project F311 is a collaborator to itself, providing classes to handle 1D spectral files (such as FITS, "x-y"), and a few scripts as listed below. Importing the API ----------------- The F311 API (application programming interface) can be imported like this:: import f311 Applications (scripts) ---------------------- The following applications are included in package ``f311``: * :doc:`explorer.py <autoscripts/script-explorer>`: F311 Explorer -- file manager-like GUI (graphical user interface) (:numref:`figexplorer`) * :doc:`programs.py <autoscripts/script-programs>`: Lists all programs available across all *collaborators packages* * :doc:`cut-spectrum.py <autoscripts/script-cut-spectrum>`: Cuts spectrum file to wavelength interval specified * :doc:`plot-spectra.py <autoscripts/script-plot-spectra>`: Plots spectra on screen or creates PDF file .. _figexplorer: .. figure:: figures/explorer.png :align: center -- screenshot of ``explorer.py``. Acknowledgement --------------- The project started in 2015 at IAG-USP (Institute of Astronomy, Geophysics and Atmospheric Sciences at University of São Paulo, Brazil). Partially funded by FAPESP - Research Support Foundation of the State of São Paulo, Brazil (2015-2017). Contents ======== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 install scripts api examples autodoc/modules .. only:: html API Reference ------------- * :ref:`genindex` (all symbols listed alphabetically) * :ref:`modindex` (whole f311 package tree) .. hint:: You can also search using the sidebar box.