Reference ========= This section contains a more complete description of the PFANT pipeline and the files and file types involved. Spectral synthesis pipeline --------------------------- .. workflow-long: .. figure:: img/workflow-long.png :align: center :class: bordered -- Spectral synthesis pipeline - Fortran programs (boxes) and their input/output files. Input/output data files ----------------------- The different file types in the pipeline will be explained in the next subsections. Stellar data and running settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table 2 -- stellar and running settings data files. The "--options" column shows the command-line options that can be used to change the name for a particular file, *e.g.*, `` --fn_main main-other.dat``. +----------------+---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Default name | --option | Description | +================+===============+=========================================================================================================+ | main.dat | --fn_main | main configuration file containing all stellar parameters except abundances | +----------------+---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | abonds.dat | --fn_abonds | chemical abundances | +----------------+---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | dissoc.dat | --fn_dissoc | dissociation equilibrium data. This file is optional, and can be created using ```` if needed | +----------------+---------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Common data files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table 3 -- Common data files. +----------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Default name | --option | Description | +================+================+============================================================================+ | absoru2.dat | --fn_absoru2 | absorption info for continuum calculation. | +----------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | atoms.dat | --fn_atoms | atomic line list | +----------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | molecules.dat | --fn_molecules | molecular line list | +----------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | mollist.dat | --fn_mollist | list of molecular line list files | +----------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | hmap.dat | --fn_hmap | hydrogen line list | +----------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | partit.dat | --fn_partit | partition functions | +----------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | grid.mod or | --fn_modgrid | MARCS atmospheric model grid (models only) | +----------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | grid.moo | --fn_moo | MARCS atmospheric model grid (models with opacities) (:numref:`figgrid`) | +----------------+----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ **Molecular line lists** can be provided as a single file (default ``molecules.dat``) or through a "list of molecular line lists files" (LOMLLF) (default ``mollist.dat``). If the latter is found, single linelist file will be ignored and all files listed in the LOMLLF file will be loaded instead. .. _figgrid: .. figure:: img/grid.moo_--_asalog-teff-glog_scatterplot.png :align: center :class: bordered -- 3D grid of atmospheric models. The scatterplot in the figure shows the (teff, glog, [Fe/H]) values for all existing atmospheric models in the grid (this is the file "grid.moo" provided). The uppermost point represents the Sun. Files created by the Fortran programs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Files created by ``innewmarcs`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Table 4 -- Files created by ``innewmarcs`` +-----------------+---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Default name | command-line option | Description | +=================+=====================+=====================================================================+ | modeles.mod | --fn\_modeles | atmospheric model (binary file) (Figure 8A) | +-----------------+---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ | modeles.opa | --fn\_opa | atmospheric model: opacities (MARCS ".opa" format) (Figure 8B,8C) | +-----------------+---------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. figmodeles: .. figure:: img/modeles.png :align: center :class: bordered -- Atmospheric model information (Sun). **(A)** data in file modeles.mod; **(B)**, **(C)** data in modeles.opa ``innewmarcs`` creates two separate files (Table 4). They are created separately for historical reasons. "modeles.opa" follows the same structure of ".opa" files downloaded from the MARCS website. "modeles.mod" does **not** follow the same structure of MARCS ".mod" files. Figure 8 illustrates the information contained in these files. Files created by ``hydro2`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``hydro2`` creates a series of files named "thalha" (:numref:`figalpha`), "thbeta", "thgamma", "thdelta", "thepsilon" etc. (the series of hydrogen lines is given in file "hmap.dat"). .. _figalpha: .. figure:: img/thalpha.png :align: center :class: bordered -- Example of H-alpha line profile calculated by ``hydro2``. Files created by ``pfant`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Table 5 - Files created by ``pfant`` +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | Default name | Description | +================+=============================================================+ | flux.spec | un-normalized flux (erg/cm**2/s/Hz multiplied by 10**\ 5) | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | flux.cont | continuum flux (erg/cm**2/s/Hz multiplied by 10**\ 5) | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | flux.norm | normalized flux (un-normalized flux)/(continuum flux) | +----------------+-------------------------------------------------------------+ .. figspec: .. figure:: img/spec-cont-norm.png :align: center :class: bordered -- plots showing three ``pfant`` output files for the [4000, 7000] angstrom region: calculated spectrum; continuum; normalized spectrum. The common prefix "flux" can be changed in file "main.dat" to give a set of files with different names. Files created by ``nulbad`` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ``nulbad`` creates a file whose name by default is the full input file name with the FWHM added with three decimal places. For example, .. code:: shell nulbad --fwhm 1.2 creates a file named "flux.norm.nulbad.1.200". To change this, use option "--fn\_cv", for example, .. code:: shell nulbad --fwhm 1.2 --fn_cv another-name .. todo:: Another page containing the visual maps of the text files, such as main.dat